Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Doomsday II {Bird Flu_Eat as much you can}

Well the doomsday enigma has not died as of yet. Polar shift is one of the prime possibilities happening in the near future (21dec 2012 to be exact). I don't know if it could bring Tsunami or not. Neither do I know about any sudden and drastic changes that could be brought.
Now , if the Polar shift is to happen then you can trust me on this that this would be bound to happen no matter what(unless we all die the same day).

Bird Flu would be spreading like an epidemic around the whole world and each and every one of us would be effected.

Well in class VIIIth I studied that the birds use the magnetic field to find the direction where to go when they are migrating. This field has remained constant for so long that the sudden change of it would disturb the entire migrating pattern. Due to this the bird won't know where to go and this would cause them to fly to all parts of the world. The primary reason for the bird flu to be in control right now is that the fixed pattern cause the infected birds to be in their respective regions only. Now by destroyng this pattern we are also allowing the infection to widespread to entire earth.So most probably we(if stay alive) can't get chicken,So i suggest all the readers to eat chicken to its fullest.
{Have a happy meal}